Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Of Travel, by Bacon

I think I just hit the clarity of thought stage of information inquiry. More in a bit.

It is interesting that I felt the urge to begin this blog with Inthaca. I didn't know then that I would end it with Francis Bacon and his essay "Of Travel".

It became clear to me early this morning. This is the connection that ties all my sources and ideas together. Bacon's essay is advice to young travelers. It basically says to do three things when you are traveling to a new place: 1) Get to know the local people and places, 2) Keep a diary, and 3) Bring what is best about it home with you.

So it is hard to explain to you, but I hope you will see it in my final product. There has been a merging of ideas. An organizational pattern has unfolded. And I have gotten a glimpse of the "Third Space Merger" that Kuhlthau describes. A sense of direction is present. I wonder if I would have gotten here without a deadline.

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